Half a year passes quickly and the anticipation was great. Baltic Sea, here we come! Hohwacht, here we come!
Like our last stays, new colleagues were welcomed, and it was great to see each other after six months. It is fun to just talk and spend time together. At this amazing place everyone gets along great with one another.

The agenda was comprehensive and included fascinating topics. We discussed facts and figures and approaches for new projects and of course also seminal topics such as AI.
While, last time in Hohwacht, we did an ASB training in "First Aid", this year we got a presentation on "Conflict Communication" and "Stress Management". The lecture held by our external speaker, Dr. Andrea Friedrich, was very inspiring and entertaining for all of us. A welcome change.

The agenda also included several items that not only concerned our core activities, but also topics that continuously improve our internal organization and cooperation. We worked in groups and presented our results in full assembly.
Recreation was not forgotten in Hohwacht. The weather was fantastic and several groups met outside in beach chairs without further ado.

In addition to the existing job bike offer, now, employees are also offered the 49 Euro ticket. Furthermore, it was decided that every employee over the age of 50 can take advantage of a thorough health check every 2 years. The costs are covered by STELACON.

Every meal in our accommodation, the Genueser Schiff, no matter if breakfast, lunch or dinner, was delicious. Our hosts granted us every wish possible.

Unfortunately, time went by much too fast, but after Hohwacht is before Hohwacht and anticipation is known to be the greatest joy. Bye until next time!